One of the best things that happened was bumping into my insulin pump trainer in the corridor at FFL. After the usual how are you doing, what the hell are you doing in the UK? She hits me with "Are you going to run a conference like this in Ireland (she really knows how I work:-) and have you met Joe?"
I, of course, did not behave anything like a grown up would, but she insisted on introducing me and my friend, Christine to him. Within 60 seconds she had asked him if he would speak at our conference. It really pays to have good people in your corner!!
Who the hell is this Joe fella?
Myself and Christine had the pleasure of having him join us for lunch the next day. That was another fantastic thing about the FFL conference, everybody had lunch together, nobody sat alone, the healthcare professionals and families mixed socially.

His ebook "A Type 1 Guide to the Universe" introduces a new way to learn to thrive with diabetes. It is the first book to integrate the psychological and emotional aspects of dealing with diabetes into the core of its approach.
Joe is scheduled to open our conference with a keynote presentation. Plus present "Staying Motivated to take care of you diabetes, every day" to our Type 1 Adults group and chair a panel of Parents of children with diabetes.
I have included a couple of video links of Joe's talks on this link if you would like to know more about him.