Diabetes Basics
When Type 1 Diabetes comes crashing into your home, the entire family is affected. It doesn't matter if you are the parent of a newly diagnosed child or a newly diagnosed adult.
The amount of information you need to process can be so overwhelming that you can't take it all in at once. There are lots of places and lots of people who have lots and lots of information about living with type 1 diabetes. Our aim with this set of web pages is to try to organise the best resources available when you need them and in a way that you can find what you are looking for easily.
This section of our website contains information on:
Medical Support and information (see below)
Find others just like you in this list of Diabetes Support Groups
Where to find Diabetes Education Resources
And just in case you are curious about all the other types of diabetes, here's our "What is Diabetes" page.
Medical Support and Information
You cannot replace the information about diabetes and the one-to-one support that you get from your diabetes team.
However, your diabetes team may not be available 24/7 or maybe you are not getting all that you need, medically, from them (hey! It happens!), so here are a few reputable websites that provide sound medical advice to help you on your quest for knowledge on how to live well with diabetes: