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Interview with George Clancy, Professional Rugby Referee with Diabetes

How is everyone doing going into week five of Covid-19 isolation? Here in Clare, we’re not doing too bad. I’ve realised there are a couple of other people, who as a result of our isolation rules can’t do their jobs at this time. One of whom is professional rugby referee with the IRFU, George Clancy. George lives in co. Limerick and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when he was fourteen. 

I met George in 2015, when he came to our type 1 diabetes meetup in Ennis. And when I reached out to him about trying to do a video interview he graciously accepted. 

Note: this is the first time I have interviewed a person, recorded it and edited a video, please be kind. We had one telephone call and surprisingly one one freezing of the internet. It’s not the best quality video you will ever see but I’m very happy with the result and lessons learned. 

I hope you enjoy hearing George share diabetes, rugby, travel and moving to an insulin pump recently. 

Our very first Thriveabetes interview is with International rugby referee and person with diabetes, George Clancy.