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Another GREAT speaker for Thrive-abetes: Dr. Clare McVicker from JDRF

It is with great pleasure that we announce confirmation of the fifth speaker at the Thrive-abetes conference.

Dr. Clare McVicker is the Director of Research Advocacy, at the type 1 diabetes research charity, JDRF in the United Kingdom. JDRF is the world’s leading charitable funder of type 1 diabetes research and its vision is a world without type 1 diabetes.

Dr. McVicker works to increase and further strengthen type 1 diabetes research by raising awareness of the condition and the profile of JDRF in the wider UK research community.

The JDRF UK is partnered with Diabetes Ireland Research Alliance (DIRA), which is a subsidiary branch of Diabetes Ireland .

Clare said: “I am really pleased to be part of this fantastic event and to represent our successful DIRA/JDRF partnership.  We are at an exciting time for research into type 1 diabetes, with many recent advances and breakthroughs, and therefore, I look forward to highlighting many of these at the conference'.

She added: “The cure for type 1 diabetes will be found. It’s just a question of time, money, and great research. Finding this cure could act as a skeleton key – unlocking ways to prevent and cure a range of other autoimmune conditions.”

Welcome Dr. Clare! You can find out more about Dr. McVicker here.